But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
-Matthew 6:33 KJV
Allow God to sift you, as he shifts you in this Winning Season!
kingdom life tabernacle
new service times
Kingdom Life Tabernacle
New Service Times
Sundays, 9:45AM (Alpha Express Service)
Sundays, 11:00AM (Omega Glory Service)
Thursdays, 6:30PM (Walking In The Word)
KLT Transportation Services
New Service Times
If you need transportation for any of our churches services listed on the calendar,
Call 850-738-8007
Kingdom Life Tabernacle
We are excited about our future...
Who We Are
Kingdom Life Tabernacle is an Inter-Denominational Ministry with Loving and Compassionate individuals that embrace those from All cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds whose focus is on operating in the Kingdom according to the Word of God.
What We Believe
¨ We believe that the Holy Bible is unadulterated, unblemished, untainted, and divinely inspired Word authorized by God.
¨ Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God that He died for our sins, and
¨ There is One Lord, One Faith, and One Baptism, and that God is calling for unity in the Body of Christ based upon this principle.
the third morning He rose for our justification.
¨ In water baptism and observance of the Lord’s Supper.
¨ The triune God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit.
¨ The power, relevancy and the importance in the Name of Jesus.
To build kingdom minded and focused individuals who are effective and efficient in the Earth realm who are equipped for all facets of ministry that love God who exemplify an unconditional love and acceptance for the people of God.
To minister to the whole man through “out of the box” but in the book kingdom strategies which empower individuals to serve God through their spiritual gifts and talents for the advancement of the Kingdom.
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© Kingdom Life Tabernacle 2024